
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Finding our way through the wilderness

Day 28

Find your purpose

Have you ever asked yourself what is my purpose? Have you ever wondered why you are here at this particular moment in time? Has life ever become mundane because you feel like you are not fulfilling your purpose? At some point in all of our lives we have asked ourselves these questions. These questions haunt some of us until our dying days. While others quickly find their and actively pursue their and they do not let anything or anyone get in the way of them fulfilling it. I wished that I could say that I am grouped with the latter however I am not. The question of my purpose still troubles me even has I write this. That is why I am writing this because I want to know how can we, those that are puzzled about our purpose, joined the group that knows and understand their purpose?

The one and only way that we can find our purpose in this life is through God. Like I have written many times before, both our spiritual lives and our daily lives are intertwined. If we don't know what our purpose is in our spiritual life than we will not know what our purpose is in our daily life. In order to find and understand our purpose we must consult with the only person that really knows, God. We do so by praying and reading His words for the answer to the questions that we seek.

We must first understand that our primary reason for being here is for Him. Revelations 4:11 says, "Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created." By pleasure the author is saying we were put here to praise and worship Him. This is why He created Adam and Eve and it was this way until sin separated us for God. This is why Jesus died for our sins, to connect us back to our original purpose for living.

Secondly, we are here at this moment in time to spread the Good News to a dying world. Matthew 28: 19-20 says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you." We are here to help those that don't know the Lord find Him. He not only has commissioned all of us to tell people about His goodness and tell people about His grace, but to also to save people for an eternity of damnation. We are commissioned because our hearts have been softened and we know the Truth.

Lastly, we are here to follow God's will and to keep his commandments. This is the one that most coincides with our daily life. When we toss away our own will and follow God's will we can understand our purpose in life much better. We are not to conform to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2) so when we do things the Lord's way His will becomes clearer. Also when we are doing things in accordance to His will, the sky is the limit. This is true because the word of God tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. (Philippians 4:13)

We can find our purpose in life through His will. We can be anything that we want to be because Jesus said ask it, claim it, and we shall receive it. (Matthew 7:7)

I may not fully understand my purpose right now, but each day that I grow closer and closer to God, the more I follow His will and not my own, and the more that I stay in His word the clearer it becomes. God knows your purpose too, just seek and you shall find.

Join us Monday as we continue our journey. Until then God Bless

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