
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Does God Cry?

Some times I wondered if God cries.I mean if you think about it we serve an loving and Caring God, so I wonder if He cries each time one of us goes astray. I try my hardest to apply this way of thinking when I am preparing to do something that I know that I have no business doing, but the allure of sin can some times be to strong.
However, what if we truly stopped to think about how our actions made God feel. I believe that it would make each of us better people. So my challenge to myself, you can join in as well, this week is to think about each action, reaction, impulse, and urge. I am going to try to see what I'm doing from God's point of view. hopefully this will not only cause me to become a better person but to also strengthen my relationship with God!
Till Next Time God Bless

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just Publish

I have just published my new novel, The War From Within (Memoirs of a Lost Soul).  It is available for any e reader. Check out https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/jamesanthonylove were you can sample it for free. If you like what you read and you want to purchase my books use this exclusive coupon code:ZS82S to receive 30% off. Please leave your comments and honest reviews. Thank you

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Life Sometimes

Here is a little poem that I wrote. It helps me whenever life's trials began to wear me down, Hopefully it will do the same for you.

Life sometimes
Life sometimes hurts
Life sometimes isn't fair
Life sometimes has obstacles that you can't seem to move
Life sometimes can break one's confidence 
Life sometimes becomes stagnant
Life sometimes is a game that you think you'll never master
However, when life starts hurt
Ask for strength to endure the pain
When life isn't fair
Ask for tolerance to endure the trials
When life puts obstacles in your way
Ask for the wisdom to maneuver around any obstacle in your path
When life tries to break your confidence 
Remember The One who's imagine you were made from
When life becomes stagnant
Be still and He will move you to a place were you will once again flow
Because life is but a game
And the only way to master it is to trust in the One who created it.
Life is always a blessing.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Don't Look Back

Genesis Chapter 19: 16-17,25-26
16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them. 17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!”
25Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.
Luke 9:62

62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

First of all I encourage you to read both of the scriptures I posted upon in their entirety. With that being said I only posted the parts that I wanted to touch on in this blog.

People interpret the bible in many different ways. Some people interpret the bible literally, as in to say that everything that is written in the bible down to the smallest detail happen at some point in time. Then there are others that say that while certain events, like Jesus' birth, death,resurrection and etc., are true; other smaller details were written as example for us to follow. Like what not to do and what to do. I fall somewhere in between, because I believe that everything in the bible did happen and it happen for us to have an example of what to do and what not to do. Also it gives us example of what to do after you have did what you were not suppose to do.(that was a lot of to do(s), but you get my point.)

I say that because I love to take the scriptures and apply them to my daily life. Take the scriptures above for example. In Genesis 19, if you are not familiar with it, you find Lot, the only God fearing man in Sodom and Gomorrah. In the Scriptures before that we learned that God was going to wiped both cities off the face of the earth because of the wickedness, but Abraham pleaded with God to let destroy the righteous in the cities, So God spared Lot and his Family. All Lot and his family had to do is go forth and not look back. However, as we see Lot's wife looks back and for her disobedience she gets turned into a pillar of salt.

So when I look at the scripture and apply it to my life  I start to think about how it truly applies to me. what I come up with is that we can all view Sodom and Gomorrah as the sin that resides in our lives. God wants to wipe away the wickedness that is inside each and every one of us. However, I can he Abraham pleading for us reminding God about the seed of righteousness that is inside of us as well. So God wants to separate us from what every sin is holding us back from being closer to him. All He wants us to do is walk away and don't look back. Now if we looked back I don't think that we will turn into a pillar of salt, but we will miss out on our Blessing. Look at Lot's wife, she had just escaped the wrath of God and she just had to look back to see what he had done, instead of looking forward to look at what he is doing. As long as we are in sin then we are separated from God and His blessing.
As for the last scripture, Luke 9:62. Jesus says it all,
“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
 I don't know about you but when it is all said and done the words I want to hear from my Savior are, "Well done my good and Faithful Servant." And here Jesus tells you that you can serve him and look back at your past at the same time. 
So again I encourage you to look forward to God and don't look back towards your sins. In this way you will become closing to your Creator and you will loosen the shackles that are the burden of sins.
Until next time God Bless ~ James Anthony Love jamesanthonylove@gmail.com

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm Back

Okay haven't been on this for about a year and half. But i am back now and I will be blogging at least three times a week. The goal is the same to share the Gospel and let people know that Jesus Christ is still alive and that he is coming back.

Truthfully I got discouraged before because I did not know how to get people to view my blog and as you know it is no fun writing to yourself. So I let the Enemy stop me without even trying to fight back. Well this time I did some studying and join different sites and now I'm back and ready to deliver the Truth. And even if no one comes I will not get disheartened this time around because I know that The Most High is in Control of that and all He needs me to do is write and He will take care of the rest. So if you are reading this in the near future I will come up with a regular routine schedule where I will post. For right now go back and read some of my posting from last year and hopefully they will uplift your spirit. Until next time God Bless.~James